School of Creative Perfumery

Perfumery education and training in Glastonbury UK, Spain and online.


  • Natural Perfumery: Advanced Practice I

    An intensive two day course covering all aspects of Chypre, Fougère, leather and amber accords in natural perfumery. You will also get a chance to explore and work with real beach combed ambergris from our trusted supplier in the UK. This course will take place in Glastonbury, UK, and will be taught in English, on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th of August 2024.

  • Diploma in Natural Perfumery - Online

    A comprehensive 12 months course of intensive Natural Perfumery training that will take you from beginner to advanced level. It includes a welcome event, 9 live group tutorials and the study of over one hundred perfumery materials, while you develop the skills to keep learning by yourself, for life. You will also receive discounts on other courses taught by our school.

  • Retiro de Perfumería Natural en Glastonbury

    Aprende, disfruta, relájate y reconecta con tu lado creativo. Después del éxito del primer retiro de perfumería, hemos decidido organizar una segunda edición de una semana de duración, pero esta vez las clases y actividades se impartirán en español. Tendrá lugar en la misma localización: en Middlewick Cottages, Glastonbury, Reino Unido, del 10 al 17 de junio 2024.